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2 months ago

Job Summary

We are looking to hire a suitable candidate to fill this position.

  • Minimum Qualification : Degree
  • Experience Level : Mid level
  • Experience Length : 3 years

Job Description/Requirements


  • Increasing sales of financial instruments and services for forex traders
  • Finding and attracting new clients from among forex traders and investors.
  • Expanding the client base of the Forex company.
  • Identifying clients' needs, and conducting high-level negotiations.
  • Presentation of trading platforms, services and conditions of the forex company.


  • Successful experience in sales of financial products or forex services.
  • Mastery of finding an approach to the client and building a trusting relationship.
  • Aim to achieve high results in sales.
  • Ability to work in multitasking mode.
  • Responsibility, attentiveness, customer focus.
  • Deep knowledge of the basics of sales and trading in the Forex market.


  • Work in a leading forex company.
  • Competitive salary + bonuses for high performance.
  • Opportunities for career growth and development.
  • Comfortable office and friendly team

Remuneration: NGN
457,031  - 761,719

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