You’ve spent the past few years of your life -maybe more- on this job and it has gradually become a drag with overwhelming pressure able to surmount your emotional stability.
You loathe the deadlines; the incentives don’t spur you on to produce better results, most importantly, you are completely fed up with the routine. Chances are you might be experiencing Job dissatisfaction.
Job dissatisfaction refers to a form of reaction any employee exhibits towards work based on factors such as: remuneration, work environment and culture, job expectations, qualifications, career commitment, work-relationship etc. It can range from feelings of anger, resentment and even to frustration or depression; and many times, it is a combination of some or all of the aforementioned factors.
If you happen to be in this situation and really want to change it, here are few tips to help:
– Identify the problem: What are your career dreams or job expectations? Do you have a horrible boss? Are you dissatisfied with your remuneration? Do you frequently work overtime? Are your colleagues difficult to be around? Do you feel a strong need to be someplace else, perhaps a different career?
Providing answers to these questions will help you understand your reactions and effectively map out plans towards a solution.
– Change anything but your job: Job dissatisfaction may be as a result of a required change, only you need to figure out what needs to be modified. Try negotiating a salary raise, ask to move to a different department or for a more challenging responsibility, try on a new office setting, meet new people, network, and attend trainings or workshops outside your field. You don’t have to change your job as job-hopping might not be the solution to dealing with job dissatisfaction.
– Have a positive attitude: look on the bright side, things aren’t as bad as you think they are. Think of those good things about your job? What are the things you’ve learnt on the job? What other skills have you acquired since your appointment? The connections you’ve made, the people you’ve met etc. You may also think on the downside- whenever you feel frustrated about your job; ask yourself what could be worse. There are thousands of unemployed individuals wishing they had a job, not minding the salary range or other benefits you look out for. Even in a job you love, things won’t be the same every day. There are days you won’t feel like working; everybody has their good days and bad days at work. A positive attitude towards your job determines your career success, nothing good comes easy; in the end, it’ll be worth the experience.
– Adjust your expectations: pick out what were your expectations in your first job? Did you expect satisfaction from the remuneration or incentives? Is your promotion taking longer than you anticipated? You may not be promoted in a long time, your boss may not likely become Santa Claus overnight, you may remain underpaid despite your ‘over-qualification’; perhaps your job may never offer what you feel is most important at the time, it’s your reality and there’s a probability you can’t change that. But by changing how you think about your job, you are able to approach each day with a fresh perspective, things won’t easily get to you and you’ll reduce mental and emotional stress by adapting to your present condition. Not exactly becoming cynical or pessimistic but rather allowing for job-contentment.
Lastly, look beyond your job, work is only a part of your life. Think of the other places you derive satisfaction from- your friends, family, pet project, memories of past achievements etc and link the emotional satisfaction to your work-life. The beauty of job satisfaction is that it can be found in the most unexpected places. Realise that getting the most from your job starts with you.
What don’t you like about your job? How do you cope? Please share your thoughts in the section below. *Pseudonyms are welcomed.